Ropeway database, photo gallery, documentaries & more - The whole world of ropeways!

Ropeway Database
Discover data, facts and figures on well over 5,000 ropeways! Our ropeway database includes all current and former ropeways in Germany and Switzerland. A unique archive and the most comprehensive source of information on this topic online!
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Technology & History
When was the first ropeway built? How does a detachable chairlift work? Answers to these and countless other questions are provided by our detailed text and image articles on the subject of ropeway technology and the history of ropeways around the world.
Technology & history of ropeways »
Photo Gallery
Over 25,000 photos of ropeways from all over the world are waiting in the photo gallery. Whether it's a platter on the edge of a village, an inner-city transport system or an aerial tramway to the highest peaks in the Alps, they are all photographically documented in the gallery.
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Store is not only available online, but also on paper or to wear! Discover high-quality products in our merchandising store, interesting books on the subject of ropeway technology and history or purchase photos from the gallery for your own use!
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Discussion Board
Join our community of ropeway enthusiasts, browse reports on ski resorts and ropeways from all over the world and actively discuss! The forum as the heart of the website attracts interesting and entertaining discussions on the topic of ropeways.
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All ropeways in our database are also provided with geodata. The map function allows you to view the exact locations and courses of every ropeway in Germany and Switzerland. Registered users also have the option to create individual map views with our search engine.
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Where are new ropeways to be built soon? What is the current status? How many installations have been built in recent years? The project overview offers a detailed listing of future construction projects in the cities and mountains of Switzerland and Germany.
Projects and statistics »
Your favorite ropeways all at a glance? No problem with our ropeway database! Registered users have the possibility to create individual lists with their ropeway favorites. Whether spectacular installations or ropeways with personal significance, they are all just a click away!
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Detailed text and photo reports on ropeways and ski resorts from all over the world are waiting to be discovered. Reports from abandoned lost-place ski resorts, a somewhat different look at ski tourism in the Alps or detailed photo articles on the technology of individual ropeway installations.
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Seilbahn TV
On the largest German-language information and documentary channel on the subject of ropeways on YouTube, exciting video reports on ropeways and ski resorts from all over the world appear weekly. Subscribe to the channel to never miss an episode in the future!
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Who is the face behind How long has the site been around? How is the community structured? Information, facts and background on the website and the various social media channels at a glance!
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