About Us

About Bergbahnen.org

For more than 15 years Bergbahnen.org has been one of the references on the internet when it comes to ropeways, their technology and their history. Once founded as a small information site with a database and discussion board, Bergbahnen.org with its website and its various social media presences today is one of the largest German-language internet portals on the subject of ropeways, with a geographical focus on Germany and Switzerland. The site sees itself as a thematically relevant journalistic information service with no links to companies active in the industry.

Since the first publication of the website in September 2006, the ropeway database has been the core of Bergbahnen.org. Initially only available for Switzerland and meanwhile for several years also for Germany, the database is a unique archive and the most comprehensive source of information on this topic on the web. Figures, data and facts on over 5,000 ropeway installations are waiting to be discovered. The ropeway database fully maps the history of ropeways and their technology in Germany and Switzerland from the mid-19th century to the present day. In addition to specific technical data of the ropeways, the map function also provides a geo-information system with which ropeways can be geographically classified and explored.

However, Bergbahnen.org does not only focus on ropeways in Germany and Switzerland, but also on installations all over the world. The Technology & History section (only available in German) highlights the history of ropeway technology around the globe in detailed articles. Various books have also been published on this topic.

In addition to data and information, Bergbahnen.org also provides multimedia content on the subject of ropeways. The photo gallery contains over 25,000 photos of ropeway installations from all over the world. All photos and many other articles for ropeway enthusiasts are available in our store. With the YouTube channel Seilbahn TV , the largest German-language information and documentary channel on the subject of ropeways is also part of Bergbahnen.org. Exciting video documentaries on ropeways and ski resorts from all over the world are published every week.

About the author

Felix Gross has been infected with the ropeway virus since his earliest childhood. Even during his first attempts at skiing at the tender age of two in the early 90s, he was always more interested in the ropeways than in the downhill. Felix is the founder and editor of Bergbahnen.org and takes care of pretty much all the tasks that are necessary for the creation and operation of such a website. Starting with the programming of the website, the administration of the database, the writing of reports and texts up to the production of videos for Seilbahn TV. But what he likes most, of course, is to be on site himself to ride ropeways and document them in the form of photos and videos.

As a self-employed IT specialist, photographer and travel journalist, Felix is not directly rooted in the ropeway industry, but as the operator of Bergbahnen.org he can combine his areas of interest perfectly. And his largely location-independent profession also allows him to spend longer periods on the road every now and then to track down the next interesting ropeways. He is particularly attracted to off-the-beaten-path ski resorts and lost and long-forgotten ropeway relics. Reports from his travels - also beyond the topic of ropeways - appear regularly on his blog Enviadi and in various magazines.

About the community

Bergbahnen.org does not see itself purely as a source of information, but thrives on active contributions from a large community of ropeway enthusiasts who engage in lively exchanges in the discussion board of this site and in social networks . Discussion topics include conversations about ropeways in general, technology, history and planned projects. In addition, the forum thrives on reports with a focus on ropeways, alpinism and skiing.

You are also invited to join our community! You can become a member for free within a few clicks by registering and creating a user account. Then you have the possibility to participate in the discussion board, to edit the ropeway database, to upload photos and to actively shape Bergbahnen.org. More information about the possibilities for registered users can be found on this page.


Total amount of ropeways recorded in the database: 5198

Thereof recorded ropeways with photos: 2520 (48%)

Thereof recorded ropeways with video documentaries: 673 (13%)
Recorded ropeways currently in operation: 2669

Thereof recorded ropeways with photos: 1856 (70%)

Thereof recorded ropeways with video documentaries: 543 (20%)